The Brothers' War Commander Deck - Set Of 2

MTG Price Last Updated at 19 Oct 2022 by
3 stocks available

Release Date: 18th November 2022

BATTLE YOUR FRIENDS! Commander is a different way to play Magic: The Gathering. It's all about legendary creatures, big plays, and battling your friends in epic multiplayer games.

These preconstructed Commander decks are a great introduction to format, ready to play right out of the box and designed to match thematically with The Brothers' War.

This two-deck set includes all Commander decks from The Brothers' War. Each deck contains:

100 cards in one ready-to-play deck
(TBA) of which are brand-new cards made specifically for this commander set!
Includes 2 foil Legendary cards and 98 nonfoil cards
1 Foil-etched display commander
10 Double-sided tokens
1 Deck box (can hold 100 sleeved cards)
1 Life tracker
2-card Collector Booster Sample Pack
1 Rare or mythic that can be Showcase, Borderless, Extended Art, or Commander and comes in foil or non-foil
1 Showcase uncommon or common

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