Dominaria United Set Booster Box

MTG Price Last Updated at 28 Mar 2023 by
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Release Date:

Dominaria United Set Booster Boxes are the go-to product to build your collection quickly. With more chances for rares, foils, and even art cards, Set Boosters bring excitement to every pack!

Each factory-sealed display box contains 30 Dominaria United Set Booster Packs and 1 Foil Box Topper that is one of 20 reimagined legendary characters from the 1994 Legends set!

Dominaria United Set Booster Packs are designed for a fun pack-opening experience. Crack open the past and rediscover the legends and landscapes of Dominaria!

Set Booster Rarity Breakdown:

12 Magic cards of assorted rarity per booster.
At least 1 Legendary Creature and 1 Traditional Foil per pack.
1-4 of these cards are Rare or Mythic Rare in every pack.
1 Token/Ad card per pack, with a chance of being a card from "The List"
"THE LIST"— CARDS FROM MAGIC'S HISTORY. 1 in 4 Set Boosters includes a card from "The List"—a pool of reprints, ranging from powerful to flat-out wild.


A Buy a Box Promo for every Draft Booster Box/Set Booster Box/Collector Booster Box/6x Pre-Release Kits Purchased!

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